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"Arrr! Modi sails into Kyiv, as Ukraine be swappin’ parley like a ship’s captain chasin’ a siren’s song!"


Arrr! Ukrainian scallywags be claimin’ that Prime Minister Modi o’ India be sailin’ in like a jolly matey, lendin’ his support in their tussle with the Russian brutes. Aye, they be throwin' a grand ol' welcome party, hopin' to shiver some timbers together!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round, fer I be sharin’ a tale from yonder land of Ukraine, where the winds of war be blowin’ fierce as a stormy sea! The brave officials o' Ukraine be raisin’ the Jolly Roger high, celebratin’ the grand arrival of Prime Minister Narendra Modi from the far-off shores of India. Aye, they be claimin’ his visit be akin to a lighthouse in the fog, guidin’ ‘em through turbulent waters against the mighty beast that be Russia!

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