The Booty Report

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"Russian sharpshooters be givin' those pesky Islamist scallywags a one-way trip to Davy Jones' locker, savin' the day!"


Arrr, matey! In a ruckus at the penal ship, Russia's sea dogs put down four scallywags who’d taken hostages and sent four crew to Davy Jones' locker! These landlubber convicts fancied themselves as Islamic State buccaneers—aye, but they met their match!

Arrr, gather 'round, me hearties, fer a tale of woe from the cold, dark lands o' Russia! Just the other day, a band o' scurvy knaves—four prisoners, mind ye—decided to take their fate into their own hands and held some poor souls hostage at a penal colony, shoutin' like madmen that they were part of the dread Islamic State!

But fear not, fer the snipers of the Russian National Guard, sharper than a cutlass in a tavern brawl, swiftly ended their ruckus with four precise shots, like a well-aimed cannonball takin' out a rival ship! Alas, four prison staff lay dead, a grim reminder o' the perilous life behind bars. The attackers, all from lands far and wide, were brought low, claimin' that they acted out o' spite for the mistreatment o' their fellow Muslim mates.

With knives in hand and blood a-flowin', they filmed their mischief, thinkin' they be fearsome marauders. The whole affair raises questions loud enough to wake Davy Jones himself! How did they get their grubby hands on such weapons in a place meant to lock up rogues? Aye, it be a fine mess, surely, as the world be watchin' with bated breath. So let this be a lesson to ye, me mateys: even in the darkest depths of the sea, chaos can spring forth like a kraken from the deep!

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