The Booty Report

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Arrr! Valve be spillin' the beans on Deadlock, a swashbucklin' shooter with 30,000 landlubbers aboard! Hoist the flags!


Arrr, mateys! Deadlock be Valve's shoddiest-kept treasure map, hidin' in plain sight! Now that the cat be outta the bag, we be settin' sail on a ruckus o' excitement, or mayhaps a squabble over the last grog! Avast, the secret's spillin' like a leaky barrel!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be havin' a tale of woe and whimsy 'bout Valve's most nefarious hidden treasure, known as Deadlock. Aye, it be the worst-kept secret in all the seven seas, spillin' out like grog from a busted barrel! The scallywags at Valve thought they could keep it under wraps, but alas, the winds of rumor blew fierce, and now the cat be outta the bag!

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