The Booty Report

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"Arrr! The landlubbers be conjurin' two schemes to keep their scallywags safe in 500 days o' magic machines!"


Arrr, the scallywags of the U.S. Army be cookin' up two new schemes in their grand 500-day voyage! They be settin' sail to harness the magic of AI and build fortifications ‘gainst those sneaky digital brigands! Avast, me hearties, the future be lookin’ like a raucous sea battle!

Avast ye landlubbers! This week, the swashbucklin' U.S. Army be makin' strides to defend its brave souls while settin' sail on the treacherous seas of artificial intelligence under a 500-day plan. With new initiatives dubbed “Break AI” and “Counter AI,” the Army be hopin' to tame these crafty AIs for reliable use on the battlefield!

Yarrr, they’re not just battlin' the devilish AIs but also makin' sure they develop 'em safely with trustworthy mates from outside. As ol’ Young Bang, the Army’s one-eyed tech navigator, pointed out, they must navigate the murky waters of poisoned datasets and sneaky adversarial attacks!

After a 100-day sprint chasin' the elusive AI, they’re ready to hoist the sails and test their newfound knowledge. The “Break AI” initiative aims to conjure an artificial intelligence that thinks like a human, though it be still a treasure not fully plundered. And ye best believe, they’re gearin' up to counter the threats from other scallywags investing heavily in their AI treasures!

So, me hearties, the Army be not spillin' all the beans on their plans, but they promise to share some booty once they figure out this wild AI sea. Now, let’s raise a toast to their brave endeavors in this high-tech adventure!

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