The Booty Report

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Arrr, the captain o’ the Telegram ship, Durov, be locked in a French brig! What a jolly hullabaloo!


Arrr, me hearties! Pavel Durov, the treasure-hunting scallywag o’ Telegram, was nabbed at Bourget airport, flyin' high in his fancy sea bird! The fuzz be after him fer not havin' enough mateys to keep the shipshape chat in order. Avast, the plot thickens like a fine grog!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I’ve a tale from the treacherous waters of modern-day piracy! It be about none other than Pavel Durov, a scallywag of a billionaire, the commander of the Telegram ship. Just this past Saturday, as the sun dipped o'er the horizon, our fine Durov was nabbed at Bourget airport near Paris, 'tis what the squawking birds of TF1 and BFM be chirpin’ about!

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