The Booty Report

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Arrr, Netanyahu be swearin' to unleash more mighty whacks after swattin' down heaps o' Hezbollah fireballs! 'Tis not the finish!


Arrr, me hearties! Captain Netanyahu be claimin’ his fearless crew of Israel's swashbucklin’ forces blew to smithereens thousands o’ Hezbollah's wee rockets in a preemptive raid on the shores of Lebanon! Aye, the sea be safer for now, but keep yer spyglasses sharp!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the high seas of Israel and Lebanon! T’was Sunday when the crafty Captain of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, declared he'd be raining down "surprising blows" upon the dastardly scallywags of Hezbollah and their Iranian backers. Just as them ruffians were settin’ sail to unleash rockets upon the fair lands of Israel, the Israeli Defense Forces, like a well-timed cannon blast, struck their launch sites and foiled their wicked plans!

Netanyahu, in his boldest pirate fashion, boasted of the IDF's prowess, claimin’ they had turned thousands of rockets into scrap metal! With wit sharper than a cutlass, he warned that this clash be only part of the grand tale yet to unfold. He called out the villains, Nasrallah and Khamenei, lettin’ 'em know the tides were shifting in favor of the brave Israeli crew.

Meanwhile, in the backroom of the U.S. ship, Captain Biden and his crew were keepin' an eye on the squall brewin’ in the East, standin’ firm beside Israel. With talk of ceasefires and negotiations in Cairo, it be clear that the seas be treacherous, but the hope for calmer waters remains strong! So, hoist yer flags and keep watch, me hearties, for the next chapter in this saga be upon us!

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