The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! The Notting Hill shindig be a right ruckus—3 shanked, 90 nabbed, and 15 officers on the brawl!


Arrr, the blimey Metropolitan coppers o' London be shoutin' that three scallywags got their knickers in a twist, with one poor sod near meetin' Davy Jones at the Notting Hill shindig! Aye, what a jolly carnival that turned into, eh?

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of the Notting Hill Carnival, where the streets be alive with revelry and, alas, some unwelcome cutthroats! On the sunlit day o' celebration, three souls found themselves on the wrong end of a blade, with one fair lass in a life-threatening pickle, whilst two blokes be bandaged and bruised!

The London Metropolitan Police, those brave lads, be reportin' three stabbings amidst the merry chaos, causin' quite the kerfuffle. With hundreds of thousands of partygoers, they aimed to keep the peace, but a scallywag or two decided to stir the pot. Aye, they made 90 arrests, includin' 10 for layin' hands on emergency workers and a handful for wieldin' offensive weapons, like a pair of ruffians at a pirate tavern!

As the constables bravely patrolled, 15 of 'em faced assaults, yet none were left in dire straits. The carnival, sprouted from the heart o' unity in 1958, now be a grand spectacle o' Caribbean culture. But fear not! The festivities shall carry on, even if some rogues try to put a damper on the fun. So, let's raise a tankard to the brave and the merry, and keep a weather eye out for the rascals! Aye!

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