The Booty Report

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"Arrr, cuttin' out a lobe be no reason to hoist the reoperation sails in thyroid scallywags!"


Arrr, matey! Even after them fancy 2015 guidelines called fer more thyroid lobectomies, the ol’ reoperation rates be as steady as a ship in a tempest! Seems like we still be patchin' up the same ol' barnacles! Avast, what a merry jest!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale o' the scalpel and the thyroid, where the brave surgeons be settin' sail on a treacherous sea o' lobectomies fer that cursed thyroid cancer! Since the dawning o' the 2015 ATA guidelines, a mighty shift be blowin' through the surgical realms, with more cuttin' and slicin' than a pirate’s cutlass in a tavern brawl!

But lo and behold! Despite this increase in the initial lobectomies, when we be lookin' at them late reoperations, it be clear as a sunny day on the high seas – naught be changin'! Aye, the rates be as steady as a ship on calm waters, and no amount o' rum will alter that course! It be a mystery that even the saltiest sea dog could not unravel!

So here we be, with scalpel in hand, followin' the guidelines like a treasure map, yet findin’ ourselves back at the same ol' harbor o' reoperations. Avast, it seems the fates o' them patients be as fickle as the winds at sea, leavin' the good doctors scratchin' their heads like barnacles on a hull!

In summary, while the cuttin' may've increased, the reoperation rates be holdin' steady, makin' the good crew wonder if the guidelines be worth their weight in doubloons! Aye, what a ruckus!

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