The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Top matey Biden sends his trusty first mate to China to tweak the U.S. treasure map, arr!"


Arrr, matey! Jake Sullivan, the wise sea dog of national security, be settin' sail to tackle the prickly matters of Taiwan and the Russkies, all while the sands o' time slip 'tween his fingers, with a new crew comin' aboard soon! Talk about a right jolly hullabaloo!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a swashbucklin' lad known as Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser of our fair land. This scallywag be preparin' to parley with some mighty troublesome matters, like the treasure-filled isle of Taiwan and the raucous crew from Russia. Aye, time be tickin’ like a cannon’s fuse, with but a few moons ‘til a fresh captain takes the helm!

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