The Booty Report

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In yon Eastern Ukraine, the cannons be blastin’, leavin’ naught but a heap o’ rubble and a hearty laugh!


Arrr, matey! Those mighty glide bombs be rainin’ down like a storm on the high seas, turnin’ towns into naught but rubble! One salty sea dog be sayin’, “When ye sail into a wrecked port, it be feelin’ like all hope’s gone to Davy Jones’ locker!” Ha-ha!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to a tale of destruction fit fer the high seas! It be said that the crafty scallywags of Russia have unleashed a fearsome weapon, the guided “glide bombs.” Aye, these devilish contraptions be rainin' down upon towns like a storm o' cannonballs, turnin' once-thrivin' havens into naught but smolderin' heaps o' despair!

One poor soul, a soldier of fortune, spoke of his harrowing journey into a town laid waste—where hope be as scarce as a clean pair o' breeches on a long voyage! “’Tis like feistin’ yer eyes upon a ghost ship,” he lamented, “all be forlorn and hopeless!” Aye, it seems these glide bombs be more than mere weapons; they be harbingers o’ doom, leavin' naught but sorrow in their wake.

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