The Booty Report

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Arrr! Mexico be settin' sail from the U.S. port ‘cause o' a ruckus ’bout their court shenanigans!


Arrr, mateys! President López Obrador be stirrin' the pot with his meddlin' in the law-makers, settin' off a ruckus with the Yanks! A fine way to end his reign, I say—like a ship sailin' into a storm with no cannon ready! Avast!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the swashbucklin’ affair of President López Obrador, who be stirrin' the waters of the judiciary like a fine bottle of rum! Aye, in the wanin' days of his reign, he be throwin' a cannonball o' changes aimed at the courts, causin’ a ruckus that be echoing across the seas to the good ol’ United States.

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