The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Shigeru got riled up makin' Zelda, yellin’, “Who be the scallywag that placed this rock?” Now, ye can tool it!


Arrr, what ol' Miyamoto be wishin', he be snatchin' like a treasure from the depths! No wind be blowin' against his sails, matey! If the man craves a parrot, ye best believe a whole flock be landin' on his shoulder! Aye, he be a crafty sea dog!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to the tales of a grand ol' swashbuckler named Miyamoto, the captain of the gaming seas! Ye see, this be no ordinary sailor; this be a man who commands the tides of creativity with naught but a flick of his wrist and a hearty laugh. When Miyamoto sets his sights on treasure, ye best believe he’ll plunder the depths until he finds it!

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