The Booty Report

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Arrr matey! Choose the wrong course, and yer printer be walkin' the plank!


Arrr, me hearties! Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson be spoutin' about HP+'s sneaky service, where ye be shackled to their ink like a scallywag to the mast! Now, lawsuits be flyin' like cannonballs, all fer the love of a different ink! Avast, what a jolly pickle!

Ahoy mateys, gather 'round for a tale of treachery on the high seas of printing! The notorious HP be a name ye all know, like a cursed ship that be hoardin' gold but leavin' ye with empty pockets. With their sly HP+ scheme, they be capturin' ye in a web of ink that can only be spun by their own hands! Sign up, and ye be walkin' the plank to a fate of endless HP cartridges.

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