The Booty Report

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Arrr! In this jolly tale, Venom be fightin’ a Xenomorph facehugger—two pesky parasites in a ruckus of epic proportions!


Arrr, matey! In "Aliens Vs. Avengers #1," ye be witnessin' the jolly mischief when a facehugger snags a symbiote, turnin' a fearsome beastie into a squishin’ cuddle buddy! Avast, chaos be unleashed on the high seas of comic mischief! Hoist the sails and prepare for laughs!

Avast ye scallywags! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn of yonder comic, "Aliens Vs. Avengers #1," a tale most peculiar! In a world where the stars be filled with strange critters and nefarious heroes, a fiendish facehugger, that vile creature what clings like barnacles to a ship’s hull, be settin’ its sights on a symbiote, the very embodiment of wickedness, aye!

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