The Booty Report

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Arrr! UN grub ship be stranded, matey! Cannons blazin’, they be haltin' the feast fer Gaza, har har!


Arrr, the U.N. crew be sayin' that no scallywags in their ranks got a scratch in the shootin' at the Israeli blockade, 'twas Tuesday night! They be safer than a treasure chest locked tight, I tell ye!

Avast ye scallywags, gather 'round fer a tale of danger on the high seas of diplomacy! The U.N. agency, a fine crew of landlubbers, be reportin' that none o' their hearty souls were harmed in the ruckus that unfurled, a shootin' that took place on a raucous Tuesday night near a grimy Israeli military checkpoint. Aye, it seems the bullets flew like cannonballs, but not a single U.N. matey found themselves in the line of fire!

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