The Booty Report

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"That crafty sea wench, Carol Kane—loved like treasure, yet sly as a scallywag on a moonlit night!"


Arrr, matey! This lass be sportin' a wider treasure map than her quirky roles hint! Aye, she be loved by the likes o' Anjelica, Tina, and Bette—more tangled in the ropes o' connection than a parrot in a net! Aye, a fine jester indeed!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn o' a lass whose talents be as vast as the seven seas! This fine actress, adored by the likes o' Anjelica Huston, Tina Fey, and even the legendary Bette Davis, be a true gem in the rough. Aye, her range be wider than a ship's sails in a mighty gale, despite her penchant for playin' the oddest roles ye ever did lay yer eyes upon!

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