The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr! Beef that's green? Regulators be watchin’ yer fancy words, savvy? Keep yer sea legs steady, matey!"


Arrr, the landlubbers at the Agriculture Department be callin' fer ye third-party scallywags to eye those fancy green claims, which be takin’ a right beatin’! So hoist the sails and let the truth be told, lest we be swimmin’ with the fishies in the murky waters of deceit!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round, ye scallywags, fer I be havin' news from the high seas of the Agriculture Department! Aye, they be tossin' out new guidelines like cannonballs, callin' fer third-party assessments o’ those fanciful tales ‘bout Mother Nature's bounty!

Now, ye see, these environment-related claims be like a ship’s treasure map—full o' promise but oft lost in a sea o' confusion! Some landlubbers be callin' shenanigans, claimin’ these tall tales be naught but merchant’s trickery, aimed at fillin' their coffers instead of savin' the seas, aye!

The Agriculture Department, in their infinite wisdom, be sayin', “Hold fast, ye rustlers!” They want to make sure that any promises made by the swabs o' the soil be as sound as a ship’s hull and not just hot air blowin’ in the wind! So they be askin' fer some good ol' independent eyes to look over the claims before we all set sail on the next environmental voyage.

So, hoist the sails and keep a weathered eye, fer we be headin' into stormy waters filled with claims o' green gold! With a hearty laugh and a wink, let us hope these assessments keep the mermaids honest and the barnacles at bay! Yarrr!

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