The Booty Report

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The defense scallywag be sayin’, “Let’s broaden our treasure map, or the landlubbers won’t sail back to the north!”


Arrr, matey! Israeli Defense Captain Yoav Gallant be proclaimin’ on Thursday that they need to set their sights higher in this scuffle! They be wantin’ to haul back the good folk from the north to their cozy shipshape homes after bein’ shanghaied! Avast, let the homecoming begin!

Ahoy me hearties! Gather ye round as I spin ye a yarn from the stormy seas of Israel! The gallant Israeli Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, be callin’ for a right expansion of their war aims, me mateys! Aye, he be sayin’ that the good folks of the north, who be evacuatin’ their homes like scallywags in a tempest, deserve to return home safe and sound, all while fendin’ off those pesky Iranian-backed buccaneers known as Hezbollah! In a grand parley with his shipmates o’ the IDF, Gallant declared their mission be clear as the blue skies o’er the Caribbean: to ensure the good folk return to their homesteads! He plans to take this issue to the captain o’ the ship, Prime Minister Netanyahu, to chart a course for victory! But fear not, landlubbers, for he promised that expandin’ their goals won’t steer 'em off the path of dismantlin’ the treacherous Hamas and rescuin’ their own hostages! The winds be blowin’ foul since the dastardly Hamas launched their assault, and with Hezbollah joinin’ the fray, it’s a right ruckus at the Israel-Lebanon border! Many a town be still empty, but Gallant be reviewin’ their conquests in Gaza, keepin’ the spirits high for the battle ahead! Arrr!

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