The Booty Report

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"Avast, me hearties! Me wee babe be battered by Gearbox's scallywag DLC! Programmer be thinkin' it be rushed like a landlubber!"


Arrr, matey! The scallywag who be codin’ for Risk of Rain 2 be spillin' the beans on them Seekers of the Storm! Aye, they be as tricky as a two-headed coin, makin' ye laugh while ye be dodgin’ lightning bolts! Avast, what a jolly adventure awaits!

Ahoy, matey! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, fer I be spillin’ the beans on the grand tale of Seekers of the Storm, penned by a crafty soul from the Risk of Rain 2 crew! Aye, this here new expansion be like findin' a treasure chest full o' gold doubloons—full o' surprises and perilous adventures! Arrr, the programmer be singin’ the praises of the fierce foes and wild landscapes that await brave souls who dare to venture forth!

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