The Booty Report

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Arrr, Netflix be tossin' the Sandman spin-off overboard after one season! Aye, another treasure lost to the depths!


Arrr, me hearties! The Dead Boy Detectives be layin' down their ghostly spyglasses fer good! No second season to sail the seas of adventure, alas! So raise a tankard, fer this merry crew be off to Davy Jones’ locker, never to return! Har har har!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ye round as I spin ye a tale most grievous from the realms of the silver screen! The fabled “Dead Boy Detectives” be castin' off the ropes, and alas, there be no season two on th' horizon. Aye, it appears the spirits of the air have deemed this treasure unworthy of more adventures!

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