The Booty Report

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"Arrr! While Israel be battlin' in the West Bank, them landlubbers be tallyin' their spoils and scallywag losses!"


Arrr, in the Nur Shams cove by Tulkarm, them Israeli sea monsters be munchin' on the roads like it be a fine feast! Now, many a landlubber's abode be dry as a fish outta water. Blimey, where's a pirate to find his grog now?

Ahoy, me hearty! In the wild and wondrous realm o' Nur Shams, near that land called Tulkarm, a band o' Israeli bulldozers be rampagin’ like drunken sea dogs! These lumberin' beasts have taken to gnawin' on the roads, leavin' ‘em in a state worse than a shipwrecked hull on a rocky shore.

But that be not the end o' the tale, matey! The fine folk livin' in them humble abodes be sufferin' mightily, for these bulldozers have not only smashed the roads but also left many a home high and dry, with nary a drop o' fresh water to slake their thirst. Aye, it be a sorry sight indeed, as the good souls try to keep their spirits afloat in the face o' such calamity.

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