The Booty Report

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Arrr, the head buccaneer claims Afghanistan be a bubbling cauldron o’ mischief once more! Avast, ye scallywags!


Arrr, matey! After the Yanks sailed away from the sands of Afghan, the cunning Iranians be cozyin’ up to the Taliban and al Qaeda, a rascally plot to unite all them scallywag terrorists in the Arab seas, makin’ em a right troublesome crew for the US!

Ahoy there, mateys! Friday marked three full years since the good ol’ U.S. of A. pulled anchor and sailed away from Afghanistan, ending a grand ol’ tussle known as the Global War on Terror. Aye, it be a tale filled with the souls of over 6,200 brave lads and lassies lost, with the tides turnin’ towards the darkened shores of the Taliban!

Despite throwin’ over $2.3 trillion into the maelstrom, the scallywags of al Qaeda be stronger than a Kraken after a feast! Former Afghan Lt. Gen. Sami Sadat be shoutin’ that 50,000 of ‘em be lurkin’ in the shadows, trainin’ for dastardly deeds. The pirates of the past have merely shifted their sails, findin’ new allies in the likes of Iran, who be shelterin’ these rogues like a mother hen with her chicks!

With the Taliban rule givin’ ‘em a grand ol’ rallyin’ cry, al Qaeda has set its sights on a most wicked comeback. It be clear that, though U.S. ships may have sailed, the storms of terror be far from calmed! As Sadat put it, "Afghanistan be once again a cauldron of international mischief!" Aye, the seas be treacherous, and I reckon this be just the beginnin’ of the next grand adventure! Arrr!

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