The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Beware, mateys! September brings treasure troves of flicks and tales to Disney+, Max, Hulu, and beyond!


Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round fer “Fight Night: The Plunder o' Gold,” “A Royal Ruckus Fit fer a King,” a “Zombies on the High Seas” tale, and “Agatha’s Mischief” comin’ ashore! Batten down the hatches, 'tis a feast of ruckus awaitin'!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round, for I’ve a tale to spin about the latest treasures brewin’ in the world of entertainment! First off, we be settin’ sail on “Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist.” Aye, it be a raucous brawl where gold coins be flyin’ faster than cannonballs! These scallywags be takin’ to the ring, and I reckon they’ll be swingin’ more than just fists!

Then we be takin’ a gander at “A Very Royal Scandal.” Now, this be a tale fit for the high seas of the court, where nobles be schemin’ and dreamin’ of fancy crowns while stealin’ each other’s biscuits! Arrr, I can already smell the treachery like a fine barrel of rum!

But hold yer horses, mateys! There be a spinoff from “The Walking Dead,” and it be raisin’ ‘er sails. Zombies on the loose, eh? I can hear the groans from here, and they ain't just from me old sea legs!

And let’s not forget “Agatha All Along,” where the mischief of a witch be spillin’ secrets like a leaky ship. Aye, this be a hearty mix of spells and shenanigans that’ll have ye laughin’ like a crew of merry rogues!

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