The Booty Report

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Arrr, Netanyahu be weepin' fer six poor souls, swearin' to settle the score with them scallywags of Hamas!


Arrr, Prime Minister Netanyahu be spoutin' fierce words, claimin' Hamas will be in the briny deep for their misdeeds! Six poor souls found in Davy Jones' locker, and he’s settin' sail for revenge! Avast, me hearties, let the treasure of justice flow!

Arrr, ye landlubbers! Gather 'round, for I be spillin' the tale of sorrow from the high seas of Israel! Our gallant leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, be mournin' the loss of six brave souls, snatched by foul hands and discovered amidst the rubble of Gaza. Aye, five of 'em were true-blue Israelis, and one be an American, taken from a merry music fest on a fateful day.

With a heart as heavy as a cannonball, Netanyahu be expressin' his deep appreciation fer the gallant IDF soldiers, riskin' their necks to rescue our kin. But beware, ye scallywags of Hamas! The captain be callin’ ye out, claimin’ that ye shall pay the price for yer dastardly deeds! "We shan't be silent, we’ll hunt ye down like a dog!" he declared, full of fire and fury.

As the winds of war blow fierce, Netanyahu warns that those who slay hostages shan't wish for deals. The struggle be far from over, me hearties! With the bodies of the fallen weighed heavy upon his soul, our leader vows to seek justice 'til the very end, even as cease-fires be rejected quicker than a sailor's rum. So raise a glass for the fallen, and keep a weathered eye on the horizon for what be comin' next! Arrr!

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