The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! For 25 long years, Agent 47's had the same scallywag playin' him—calls him a "tight-fisted matey!"


Arrr, it be clear as the bright moon on a dark sea that Hitman be thick as thieves with David Bateson, matey! They be inseparable like rum and a pirate's belly, always schemin' and dreamin' of treasure, aye!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ‘round, fer I be about to spin ye a yarn 'bout a peculiar pair, none other than the sullen specter known as Hitman and his bosom buddy, David Bateson. Aye, it seems these two scallywags be thicker than thieves at a treasure chest!

Now, in the world o' gaming, Hitman be a shadowy figure, a master of disguise an' mischief, sneakin' about like a cat on a moonlit night. And who be his trusty sidekick, ye ask? Why, ‘tis Bateson, the man who lends his voice to our dear ol’ Hitman! Aye, they be like rum and grog, inseparable and always findin' themselves in a spot o' bother!

Rumor has it, when Hitman be up to his nefarious deeds, Bateson be right there, cheerin’ him on from the sidelines, probably with a pint o’ ale in hand, cacklin’ like a mad parrot! They be such good mates, I reckon they could share a ship and never quarrel, unless it be over the last piece o’ eight!

In this world of cutthroats and treasure maps, their camaraderie shines brighter than a freshly polished doubloon. So let us raise our tankards and toast to Hitman and Bateson—the jolliest pair of mischief-makers the seven seas ever did see!

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