The Booty Report

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Arrr, the UK be holdin’ back some cannon fodder for them landlubbers in Israel! Avast, what be next?


Arrr, matey! Britain’s chief talkin’ parrot, David Lammy, be squawkin’ ’bout a right danger that some cannons might be unleashed to break the pirate’s code of good ol’ humanitarian law! Shiver me timbers, let’s hope they don’t take the plunderin’ too far, eh?

Arrr mateys, gather 'round fer a tale of woe from the land of Britain! The noble foreign secretary, a swashbucklin’ fellow by the name of David Lammy, be shoutin’ from the crow’s nest ‘bout a danger most dire. He be claimin’ there be a “clear risk” that some of them sly weapons might be used to commit the foulest of deeds—violatin’ the sacred laws o’ humanitarian seas!

By thunder, ye’d think these scallywags would know better than to unleash such mischief upon the world! Aye, ol' Lammy warns that if them weapons be misused, it could lead to troubles that’d make even a pirate’s blood run cold. Me hearties, imagine cannonballs rainin' down like cursed treasure, causin’ chaos in the high seas of humanity!

So, raise yer tankards and toast to the good David, who be lookin’ out for us all, lest we end up makin’ more enemies than a kraken at a fish fry. Let us hope the powers that be heed his warning, or we might find ourselves amidst a tempest of turmoil, where the only gold to be found be in the form of regret! Yarrr, may the winds o’ common sense blow favorably upon the realm!

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