The Booty Report

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"Raise yer Thiazide dose, matey! Aye, it be keepin' them pesky kidney stones at bay! Arrr!"


Arrr, matey! When ye be crankin' up them thiazide potions, ye be sendin' yer urine calcium plummetin' and keepin' those pesky kidney stones at bay over four long years! Aye, a fine treasure for those landlubbers with stone troubles! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be sayin' so!

Arrr, gather ‘round ye scallywags and listen to this tale from the realm of bladder and bone! It be said that when ye dose yer thiazide, that magical potion for the kidneys, in greater amounts, ye be sendin’ them pesky calcium stones packin’ back to Davy Jones’ locker!

Over the span of four long years, those landlubbers sufferin’ from kidney stones found that uppin’ their thiazide did indeed lead to a grander decrease in that troublesome urine calcium. Aye, it be a treasure trove of good tidings for those who dread the clink of stones in their waters! Medscape Medical News be sharin’ this bounty of knowledge, lettin’ folks know that the more ye take, the fewer ye deal with the sharp pain of them stones. Aye, it be an adventure on the high seas of health!

So, if ye find yerself plagued by those rocky intruders in yer urinary bay, hoist the sails on thiazide and steer clear of the treacherous waters of kidney trouble. Remember, matey, ye can outsmart those stones with the right dosage, and live to plunder another day without fear of a stone-filled ship! Yarrr!

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