The Booty Report

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Arrr! Warm Fusion be a wild sea of Blade Runner and Cronenberg's tales, pushin' boundaries like a ship in a storm!


Avast, mateys! Gather 'round for a tale of a fresh treasure from the quills of Scott Hoffman and Alberto Ponticelli! Aye, this DSTLRY scroll be a jolly good read, ripe for plunderin' by all ye scallywags! So hoist the sails and prepare for literary adventure! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! Gather ‘round and lend me yer ears, fer I be havin’ news from the high seas of literature! A new treasure hath been plundered from the depths of creativity, and it be none other than a title from them scallywags, Scott Hoffman and Alberto Ponticelli! Aye, the fine gents be settin’ sail with their latest scroll, ready to tickle yer imaginations and make ye laugh till ye can’t hold yer grog.

This be a fine union o’ quill and parchment, where Hoffman’s wit be sharper than a cutlass and Ponticelli’s art be swifter than a ship o’ the line! They’ve concocted a tale that promises to shiver yer timbers and leave ye in stitches. Expect characters that dance like drunken sailors and plots that twist like the fiercest storm on the horizon.

So grab yer compass and prepare to chart a course through uncharted waters of mirth and adventure! Whether ye be a landlubber or a seasoned sea dog, this DSTLRY title be one ye shan’t want to miss. Hoist the sails and prepare for laughter, for Hoffman and Ponticelli be navigatin’ the seas of humor like true buccaneers! Now, off with ye, and may the winds of creativity be ever in yer favor!

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