The Booty Report

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Arrr, the US sea dogs be callin' out Hamas scallywags fer their villainous deeds on that fateful October day!


Arrr! On the mornin' tide, U.S. sea dogs did brandish the law against that scallywag Yahya Sinwar and his merry band of ruffians for their dastardly deeds on the seventh day of October, two-thousand and twenty-three! A right bloody mess, it be!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale of treachery and woe! The U.S. Department o' Justice be unsealin' a storm o' charges against the dastardly Hamas chief, Yahya Sinwar, and his scurvy mates fer their vile deeds on the fateful day o' October 7, 2023. Aye, they be accused o' conspirin' to aid terror, murder good ol' U.S. folk, and wieldin' mighty weapons that bring death!

These rascals be takin' a fine sum o’ gold from Iran and that pesky Hezbollah to fuel their wicked plans, includin' the use o’ rockets to rain havoc upon the land of Israel, where they claimed the lives o' around 1,200 souls and captured many more as hostages. The Attorney General, Merrick Garland, be soundin' the drum of justice, vowin' to chase these ruffians like a dog after a bone!

Sinwar, the slippery sea serpent o' Hamas, be hidin' in the dark depths o' Gaza's tunnels, while other notorious scallywags be named in the charges as well, includin' the likes of Haniyeh and Mashaal. The hunt be on, and the Justice Department be keepin' their eyes peeled fer the first catch to bring to the shores of New York! A storm be brewin', and justice shall prevail, or so they say, mateys!

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