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"Arrr, matey! When ye be givin' glucocorticoids before the doc, ye shrink yer heart’s treasure, aye!"


Arrr, matey! In the grand PULSE-MI tale, givin' glucocorticoids to landlubbers with STEMI didn’t shrink their heart woes after three moons, even though they felt sprightlier! Aye, the treasure of true healing be still buried deep! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the realm of heart troubles and medicine! In the fabled PULSE-MI trial, it be not a treasure trove of success we found, but rather a curious conundrum! They set sail with glucocorticoids, those mighty potions, to treat our landlubber mates stricken by STEMI—aye, that be a fancy term fer a heart attack!

But lo and behold! After three moons, the treasure map pointed to naught but disappointment, as the final infarct size did not shrink like a scallywag’s courage in a storm. Yet, fear not! For in the heat of the battle, there were improvements in the acute outcomes, like a shipwright patchin’ up a vessel in rough seas. The pirates of science be celebratin’ the quick fix, though the long-term spoils be elusive!

So raise yer tankards, me mateys, to the brave souls who charted this course! Though the glucocorticoid bounty might be scant, their efforts be worthy of a sea shanty. Let us hoot and holler, for the journey be just as valuable as the gold! Arrr!

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