The Booty Report

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Arrr, with the new Taliban scroll, the lasses of Afghanistan be quakin' in their boots, fearin' a storm on the horizon!


Arrr, three years into the captain's reign, they’ve penned down their scallywag rules tighter than a ship's hold! Now, 'tis illegal fer lasses to raise their voices in the public square. Blimey, what a jolly mess; even a parrot’d be silenced!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale of a scallywag crew that took to the helm three long years ago, with dreams of rule as grand as the seven seas! But lo and behold, this motley bunch, all wrapped up in their own jolly notion of "law," be codifying a set of rules so harsh, they’d make even the fiercest sea monster shudder!

Arrr, what folly be this? They hath decreed that the fair lasses o’ the land shan’t be heard in public, their voices silenced like a ship’s sails in a tempest! Aye, they’ve thrown a ban on our sisters’ sweetest songs and shouts, as if a dreaded kraken were lurking to snatch away their words!

Now, ye tell me, what kind of Captain would silence the sirens of the sea? Not this old salt! For a hearty laugh and a raucous tune be the treasures we seek, not this land of muted maidens. So raise yer tankards high and toast to the rebel hearts who dare to sing, for a world without the voices of women be like a ship without a crew—adrift, lost, and no fun at all! Yarrr!

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