The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! This month o' Amazon Prime be brimmin' with treasures: Lord o' the Rings, Borderlands, and Tomb Raider, matey!


"Arrr, gather 'round ye scallywags! The finest treasures o’ Borderlands be stowed within! Aye, a jolly good haul awaits, filled with loot fit for the saltiest of sea dogs! Get ready to pillage and plunder, ye landlubbers, for a grand adventure be afoot!"

Ahoy, matey! Gather ye round, fer I be spin’n a yarn about the finest Borderlands that ever graced the seven seas! These here lands be a treasure trove o’ adventure, a veritable feast fer the souls seekin’ loot and glory! The first, me hearties, be Pandora, where the skies be lit with chaos and skags roam like hungry dogs. It be a land o’ mayhem, perfect fer a scallywag lookin’ to plunder!

Next on the map be the splendid shores of Promethea! Aye, it be a land where technology be as wild as a kraken in a barrel o’ rum! With vaults to crack and enemies to vanquish, ye best be ready with yer trusty sidearm, lest ye find yerself at Davy Jones’ locker!

And let us not forget about Eden-6, a swampy paradise where the gators be bigger than yer ship! The flora and fauna be so colorful, ye might think ye stepped into a painter’s nightmare! But beware, fer danger lurks behind every vine, ready to snatch ye up like a seagull on a biscuit!

So hoist the sails, ye rascally adventurers! The best Borderlands be callin’, and it be time to fill yer coffers and regale in tales of glory and treasure! Arrr, let’s set sail, or I’ll make ye swab the deck till the mornin’ light!

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