The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Facin' the fearsome Paralympic crew, a near miss be feelin' like a treasure found!"


Arrr, matey! Other scallywags hand themselves an A for tryin’ after takin’ on the Dutch wenches in wheelchairs, who be as fearsome as a kraken at the Paris Games! Gold be their treasure, and we be just swabbin’ the deck! Har har!

"Arrr! Facin' the fearsome Paralympic crew, a near miss be feelin' like a treasure found!"

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be havin' a tale 'bout the Dutch dames in their chariots of steel—aye, the fine women’s wheelchair basketball crew! These lasses, famed far and wide, be aim’n fer the golden treasure at the Paris Games, and let me tell ye, they be takin' no prisoners on the court!

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