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A French lass spins a yarn o' cruel deeds, claimin' her scallywag husband summoned a crew o' 50 brutes! Arrr!


Arrr, a French lass, brave as a sea dog, be spillin' her tale o' woe in court! For near a decade, she’s danced with scallywags, claimin' they’ve drugged and assaulted her! A right pickle, that be! Let’s hope she finds fair winds in her sails!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be tellin' ye a tale most foul from the shores of France! A lass, Gisèle Pélicot, aged 72 sails into the courtroom, spillin' the beans on her scallywag of an ex-husband, Dominique, who be havin' invited over a motley crew of 72 ruffians to partake in dastardly acts against her! Can ye believe the audacity? Aye! This villainous knave filmed the whole sordid affair, thinkin' he’d be clever like a fox. But alas, the long arm of the law caught up with him after two years of snoopin’ around!

Now, Gisèle, not bein' of sound mind due to a potion of drugs, found herself in a right pickle fer nearly a decade, all while her home became a den of iniquity! She was so out of it, she couldn’t even remember the gory details. “I was sacrificed on the altar of vice,” she cried, as she regaled her audience with tales of her misfortune. The courtroom be buzzin' with the lowly confessions of her attackers, many claimin’ they were just pawns in Dominique’s twisted game.

This trial be goin' on fer four long moons, and if these miscreants be found guilty, they be facin' up to 20 years in the brig! Gisèle be ready to fight till the bitter end! Arrr, what a tale of treachery and woe on the high seas of justice!

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