The Booty Report

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Arrr! U.N. scallywags be summonin' a band o' sea dogs to guard the poor landlubbers in Sudan!


Arrr, matey! This land’s a right ruckus, with scallywags wagin' war ‘gainst each other. Civvies be meetin’ a grim fate—killin’, ravagin’, and all manner o’ torment, even the wee ones! Aye, it’s stirrin’ up trouble ‘mongst the neighbors, like a cannonball in a fish barrel!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and lend an ear to the tale of a land besieged by a tempest of strife! A civil war, more savage than a kraken on a bender, hath plunged the realm into a dark abyss, with horrors aplenty! The good folk be sufferin' at the hands o' ruthless scallywags, facin' the grim fates of bein' plundered, tortured, and worse, all whilst even wee shipmates—aye, the innocent children—ain't spared from this dastardly fate!

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