The Booty Report

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Arrr, no jestin’! That Yellow Dye 5 be the secret to makin’ ye as unseen as a ghostly sea fog!


Arrr, a wee bit o' food dye be makin' them critters transparent, savvy? A "stunnin'" discovery that might just change the way we be peekin' inside our scurvy mates in the name o' medicine! Ho ho! What’ll they think of next, a dye for the eyes?

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round, for I be havin’ a tale from the realm of science, where a humble food dye has turned our scurrying little squeakers – the mice, that be – into see-through specters! Aye, ye heard me right! No longer be they mere furry critters, but ghostly apparitions thanks to a wee bit o’ colorin’ concoction!

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