The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"That lass be spoutin' the finest tales fer Kamala Harris' stand on the matter of belly burdens, arrr!"


Arrr, the morn after Labor Day, the polls be blarney, with Trump and Harris caught in a scuffle as fierce as a knife fight in a cramped cabin! Young Hadley Duvall be munchin’ her grub in Arizona, lookin’ as calm as a cat on a sunny deck, ready to set sail for battle!

Avast ye mateys! The morn after Labor Day, the seas of swing-state polls be churnin’ mightily, with Captain Trump and Lady Kamala Harris clashin' like two scallywags in a raucous tavern brawl! Aye, some be callin' it a “dogfight,” while others fancy it a “knife fight in a phone booth.” Arrr, ‘tis a sight to behold, I tell ye!

On this fine morn, a sprightly lass by the name of Hadley Duvall, a loyal aide to Lady Harris, found herself in the treacherous waters of Arizona, chattin’ over breakfast with her crew. With a grin as bright as a pirate’s gold, she radiated cheer, showin' nary a hint of the fierce battle brewin’ for the prized treasure of votes!

Hadley had been sent forth to rally the crew, just as a captain rallies his mates before a grand expedition. The lass had already ventured to many a swing state since her ladyship’s rip-roarin’ speech at the Democratic National hootenanny. Aye, the stakes be high, and the air be filled with the scent of adventure and the promise of a merry scrap! So hoist the sails and prepare the cannons, for the political seas be stormy and full of surprises!

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