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Arrr! Seattle Times be callin' Trump a scallywag for sayin' BLM took the city—give the man a parrot!


Arrr, the scallywags o' the social seas be lettin' loose their cannon fire at The Seattle Times! They be questionin' Trump’s tall tale 'bout them ruckus-makers havin' a grip on Seattle. Aye, the jesters be flappin' their gums like a parrot on a sugar high!

Arrr, mateys! This be a tale of social media scallywags takin' on The Seattle Times fer claimin' that Donald Trump be spoutin' falsehoods 'bout the CHOP, a wild protestin' zone in Seattle! During a ruckus of a debate with Kamala Harris, Trump declared that the ruckus took over a "big portion" of the city, while the Times be sayin', "Nay, it be just six city blocks!"

Now, a fair number of landlubbers on the Twitter seas blasted the Times fer their nitpickin'. That Katie Daviscourt lass from The Post Millennial be sayin', "Shame on ye!" as she read that sorry article. Trump, keen to stir the pot, questioned why those who set fire to Minneapolis and Seattle weren't bein' brought to justice, while he pointed out the hypocrisy of his foes.

Yarrr, the CHOP was all the rage 'round June to July of 2020, where chaos reigned and the streets flowed with discord. The Times claimed it was a fluctuatin' affair of six blocks, but others argued it was more like a pirate's treasure chest of mayhem! Aye, social media be blowin' up with criticisms of the article, with one lad callin' it "communist propaganda." How the winds of opinion do shift on the high seas of social media, eh?

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