The Booty Report

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"Three wenches from Georgia be knee-deep in a tempest o' doubt 'bout castin' their fateful votes, arrr!"


Arrr! A doubtin' scallywag be raisin' a ruckus 'mongst a heap o' voter scrolls, even stirrin' the pot for a rights-loving matey! Now, a county official be swabbin' the deck o' this fine mess! Aye, what a jolly hullabaloo on the high seas of democracy!

Ahoy there, matey! Gather ’round as I regale ye with a tale of a scallywag, an election skeptic, who dared to question the legitimacy of hundreds o' fine folk's names upon the sacred scroll of voter registrations! Aye, this rogue even had the gall to challenge the good name of a righteous voting rights activist, a true champion of the common folk! Arrr, what a pickle it be!

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