The Booty Report

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A scallywag scribe from the New York Times returns t’ chat with a suspect at that swanky Trump treasure course! Arrr!


Arrr, matey! Ryan Wesley Routh be dreamin’ of sailin’ Afghan sea dogs to brawl with the Russkies in Ukraine! But alas, he be as ready as a ship with no sails, tryin’ to command a crew of scallywags! A grand folly, that be!

Arrr, gather 'round, me hearties, for a tale of one Ryan Wesley Routh, a scallywag with a mind full of grand schemes! This lad fancied himself a captain of sorts, wishin' to hoist the sails and whisk away Afghan veterans to join the fray against the dastardly Russians in Ukraine. Aye, sounds noble, does it not? But lo and behold, our Ryan seemed as ready as a landlubber at sea!

With naught but a twinkle in his eye and perhaps a jug o’ rum for courage, he plotted a course into a stormy sea of chaos, barkin' orders like a captain without a ship. Fiddlesticks! He had the heart of a lion but the navigational skills of a blindfolded monkey. The poor fellows, wearin' medals and tales of valor, must've scratched their heads, reckonin' if they were joinin' a noble cause or a jolly jape!

Alas, with a plan as flimsy as a ship’s sail in a calm breeze, our Ryan was set to embark on an adventure that had more holes than a pirate's treasure map. So, let this be a lesson to ye all: when stirrin' the pot of grand ideas, make sure ye’ve got the crew and the know-how, or ye’ll be castin' yer lot with a bunch of merry fools! Yarr!

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