Arrr, matey! After three decades adrift, The Punisher be finally settlin' in! We aimed to keep her true, savvy?
Arrr, matey! Shuhei Matsumoto, the savvy captain of the Marvel Vs Capcom ship, be spillin’ the beans on why landlubbers mustn’t botch The Punisher's new port. 'Tis a treasure worth its weight in doubloons, else ye be walkin' the plank! Yarrr, let the brawlin' commence!
Ahoy, matey! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the grand tale of the Marvel Vs Capcom Fighting Collection! Our trusty producer, Shuhei Matsumoto, be a fine captain of this ship, and he be makin' waves with his thoughts on the mighty port of The Punisher. Aye, it be crucial to get it shipshape, lest the crew mutiny over a shoddy game!