The Booty Report

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Arrr, can this clever contraption make ye less of a fool, or be it a trick of the sea?


Aye, matey! Clever landlubbers be conjuring a magic speakin’ box that can slice through the wild yarns spun by scallywags! This here chatbot be settin' sail to sink conspiracy ships with wit sharper than a cutlass! Arrr, no more tall tales on the high seas!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the curious capabilities of them fancy AI chatbots! A crew of scallywags from MIT and Cornell be claimin' they've found that these mechanical brutes can help clear the fog of conspiracies from the minds of landlubbers. Aye, according to their research, havin' a chinwag with a chatbot can lower belief in wild tales by a hearty 20%!

They gathered a fine crew of 2,190 souls to chat with the mighty GPT-4 Turbo as they regaled it with their most cherished conspiracy theories, from alien invasions to John F. Kennedy's untimely demise. The chatbot, with the cunning of a seasoned buccaneer, crafted counterarguments sharper than a cutlass, based on the blabber of these gullible souls. And lo and behold, the tall tales were met with facts so accurate, they could make even the most hardened skeptic raise an eyebrow!

In a turn of fate that surprised even the researchers, it seems the ol’ belief system can change with a dash of compelling evidence. So, savvy sailors, as we navigate the treacherous seas of misinformation, let us embrace the power of these chatbots! But beware, for with great power comes great responsibility, lest we find ourselves misled by the very tools meant to enlighten us!

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