The Booty Report

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Arrr! That CCP scallywag be doin' his jolly business in New York, while Hochul and the State Dept squabble like landlubbers!


Arrr, a Chinese envoy be shoutin' sweet nothings 'bout the Communist crew, yet he still be sailin' the high seas o' diplomacy as the consul general in New York! Aye, he’s as loyal to the Crown as a parrot on a pirate's shoulder!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale of a Chinese diplomat, Huang Ping, who be causin' quite a stir in the New York seas! Despite the claimin's of the fine Governor Hochul and the Biden crew that he be gone from his post, ol’ Huang still be hoistin’ the sails at the Chinese Consulate. Aye, it seems the Governor be wishin’ him off after he tangled with her former first mate, Linda Sun, who’s now caught in a net o’ legal troubles.

Now, the State Department be sayin’ Huang ain't been tossed overboard but merely completed his regular duty shift, while Huang himself be celebratin’ the 75th anniversary of his homeland's founding with a grand feast! He be as popular as a barrel of rum at a pirate's party, postin’ pictures o’ festivities with Chinese folk from the land of opportunity.

But beware! For China expert Sobolik warns that Huang's presence be like a ship of spies lurkin’ in the harbor, meddlin’ with American affairs. Reports be showin' how Sun, in cahoots with Huang, be blockin' meetings with Taiwan while acceptin' fancy gifts and luxury tickets! So, while the waters be murky, keep yer eyes peeled on this scallywag and the political tides that be shiftin' in New York! Arrr!

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