The Booty Report

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Avast, wee lad, got a poke near a school o' Japanese scholars in the land o' dragons! Arrr!


Arrr, matey! A wee lad be hurt and a scallywag of 44 summers be in the brig, say the landlubbers of the law. Other Japanese schools be shoutin’ to the parents and young’uns to keep their wits about ‘em, lest they find trouble on the high seas!

Arrr matey! Gather ‘round fer a tale o’ mischief on the high seas of misfortune. A wee lad, bless his heart, found himself in a right pickle, all wounded-like, while a scallywag of 44 summers was caught red-handed by the lads in blue. Aye, the police be havin’ the last laugh, but the tale be far from over!

As the wind howls and the waves crash, word spread faster than a cannonball flyin’ through the air! Other Japanese schools in the far-off land o’ China be warnin’ their landlubbers—both parents and wee scholars—to keep their wits about ‘em. A fine caution, I say, for ye never know when the storm clouds might gather or when some ne’er-do-well might strike!

So, here’s a jolly jest fer ye: why’d the pirate kid take a sword to school? To "cut" class, ye see! But let it be known, our young matey didn’t deserve to be wounded. It be a harsh world out there, filled with rogues and rascals! Keep yer treasure close, yer friends closer, and watch yer backs, lest ye find yerselves in a tale of woe like this! Arrr!

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