The Booty Report

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“Avast! Hillary be callin’ for the keelhaul o’ landlubbers dabblin’ in propaganda, not just the rascally Russians!”


Arrr, matey! Hillary, the queen of the blame game, be bellowin’ that any scallywag spreadin’ “tall tales” should swing from the yardarm! Seems she’s still sore 'bout that Russian ruckus that gave ol' Trump a lift in the last skirmish. Aye, the seas of politics be a treacherous tide!

Avast ye scallywags and landlubbers! Gather 'round as I regale ye with the latest ruckus in the high seas of politics! That notorious captainess, Hillary Clinton, she who be oft accused of stirrin' the pot with tales o' 'Russia, Russia, Russia', be makin' waves again! Aye, she be callin' fer heads to roll for those who dare spread "misinformation," suggestin' they ought to be criminally charged! Blimey!

In a recent parley with the fair lass Rachel Maddow, Hillary proclaimed that any American who be engaged in this foul "propaganda" – much like them scurvy Russians who helped boost the good Captain Trump back in '16 – ought to face the music! By Davy Jones' locker, she’s seekin’ a “better deterrence” to keep the seas calm as the next election be approachin’! What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive, eh?

So, me hearties, as the winds of election blow fierce, we best keep a weather eye on the horizon! Who knows what kind of mischief and mayhem these political pirates will conjure next? Arrr, it be a fine time to hoist the anchor and set sail for the wild waves of democracy!

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