The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr! They be sayin' the blessed Mary be makin' an appearance! The Vatican be finally chimin' in, ho ho!"


Arrr matey! After years o' squabble an' debate, the Vatican's finally givin' the green light fer worship at a shrine in Bosnia! That once-quiet hamlet be burstin' with scallywags makin' pilgrimage. Aye, me hearties, it’s a right ruckus now, all fer a bit o' holy treasure!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, fer I bring ye news from the high seas o' the Vatican! Aye, after years o' quarrels and hullabaloo, the grand ol' church has finally given the green light fer public worship at a shrine in a wee village in Bosnia. Aye, once it was but a sleepy hamlet, but now it be buzzin' with pilgrims swarmin' like seagulls 'round a barrel o' fish!

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