The Booty Report

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"Arrr! After the treasure chests be lightened, Biden’ll be shoutin’ he’s the captain o’ this fine ship’s wealth!"


Arrr, mateys! The captain o’ the ship, that president, be not takin’ a victory lap this Thursday! Nay, he’ll be raisin' a toast to plummetin’ inflation, low borrowin’ booty, and a crew that’s growin’ strong! A merry jig for the treasure o’ good fortune, I say!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I bring ye news from the high seas of politics! On the morrow, our captain o’ the land, the president himself, be settin’ forth a speech, though it be no “victory lap,” as the scallywags in his crew be claimin’. Nay, it be more like a jolly jig on the deck, celebratin’ the plunderin’ of inflation and the weighin’ anchor on borrowin’ costs, which be droppin’ like a cannonball into Davy Jones' locker!

The winds be favorin’ us, as the ship of economy sails smooth with solid growth, and the crew be ready to raise a toast to the treasure we’ve found beneath the waves! With inflation takin’ a nosedive, it be feelin’ like we’ve struck gold in a chest long buried. The good folk be cheerin’ as their doubloons stretch further than a pirate’s tales o’ adventure!

So, me mateys, prepare yer ears for a raucous tale of triumph on the morrow! While it be no grand victory, it do be a cause fer hearty laughter and merriment among us sea-dwellers, as we toast to fair winds and a bounteous future! Raise yer tankards high, fer the captain’s words shall surely bring a chuckle or two! Yarrr!

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