The Booty Report

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Arrr! Springfield, Ohio be settin' sail fer a Trump visit, but the treasure map be missin’ the X, matey!


Arrr, matey! Donald Trump be vowin' to set his sails for our fair city in a fortnight! Some landlubbers be cheerin', while others be raisin' the black flag! The officials be swabbin' the decks for his grand arrival, but I reckon it be a wild tide we be ridin'!

Arrr, matey! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, fer a tale from the shores of yonder city, where the winds be whisperin’ of a certain landlubber known as Donald Trump! Aye, it be said that this scallywag hath pledged to drop anchor in their fair port “in the next two weeks.” A fine promise, indeed! But hold fast, fer not all be raisin’ their tankards in celebration!

Ye see, some hearty souls be cheerin’ his arrival like a ship sightin’ land after a long voyage. They be thinkin’ he’ll bring treasures untold and a raucous good time! But alas, there be a crew of discontented swabs who be likin’ him as much as a barnacle on a ship’s hull. “Nay!” they cry, “keep the ruckus away from our shores!”

As the town officials be preparin’ the docks and battin’ down the hatches for his grand entrance, the town be divided like a ship with two captains. One be shoutin’ “Bring him on!” while t’other be shoutin’, “Walk the plank!” Aye, it be a right jolly mess, fit for a tale told over a barrel o’ rum. So, hoist the sails and keep a weather eye on the horizon, fer who knows what mischief this visit may bring! Arrr!

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