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Arrr! Coach Dungy be raisin’ an eyebrow at Kamala's tweet 'bout abortion, callin' it a faith-fueled folly! Ha-ha!


Arrr, on the high seas o' social media, ol' Coach Tony Dungy be callin' out Vice President Kamala Harris fer jabberin' 'bout faith and the tricky waters o' abortion rights! Aye, even scallywags need to ponder their tweets, lest they be walkin' the plank o' controversy!

Ahoy there, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn o' the legendary NFL captain, Tony Dungy, who be takin' the Vice President Kamala Harris to task over her fanciful tweets about the matter of abortion rights, aye! Harris, bold as a parrot, claimed that the gub'ment should keep its mitts off a lass's body. “No need to abandon yer faith,” she squawked, but Dungy, a man o' strong faith, be raisin' his eyebrow, askin’ what kind of faith she be jabberin’ about. The good captain quoted Scriptures, questionin’ if she meant the same faith that values life, or some wishy-washy notion that we be clever enough to decide for ourselves.

As the waves of politics roiled, Dungy also shared the lament of a former NFL matey about the tragic fate of a young mother, remindin’ Harris to focus on facts rather than her politically charged tales. Meanwhile, ol' Trump be flappin' his gums about abortion exceptions, and the seas be stormy with opinions clashing louder than a ship in battle! Dungy, a champion o' the Super Bowl, showed he still be keepin' his compass steady through this tempest of words! So, batten down the hatches, for this debate be far from over, ye scallywags!

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