The Booty Report

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Arrr, Kamala be rainin' doubloons on the digital seas, outspendin' Trump by heaps o' gold! Ha!


Arrr, during the week o' their frothy debate, Kamala be tossin' gold coins like a drunken sailor, outspendin' Trump twenty to one on the Facebook seas and Instagram isles! Aye, 'tis but a clear sign that their online treasure hunt be as lopsided as a ship with a hole in its hull!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round, fer I’ve a tale of two scallywags battlin’ on the treacherous seas of social media! In the week of their great debate, that fierce lass Kamala Harris outshone the ol’ seadog Donald Trump by a wild ratio of twenty to one on the likes of Facebook and Instagram. Aye, ye heard me right! That be no small feat, I tell ye!

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